Blog Post | Fall 2022

Stand up for Abortion Rights in NYC

What’s happening?

On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, removing protection for abortion across all 50 states. Now, it is up to individual states to decide whether abortion is legal.

Plenty of state—and federal—lawmakers are set on making abortion access illegal, endangering the lives of people who need life-saving care and straining healthcare systems that are already overburdened.

What does it mean for New York City?

In New York, abortion is protected through state law. That doesn't mean that New Yorkers won't be affected.

It will probably be harder to get abortion care in NYC. People seeking abortion care will have to travel across state lines, placing more strain on healthcare systems in states like New York.

And even though abortion is legal here, it’s so important to support and advocate for everyone — because this could get much, much worse.

What can I do about it?


Yep, it really does help. Donate to local abortion funds, like the National Network of Abortion Funds or the New York Abortion Access Fund. Recurring monthly donations make a big impact—even $5/month can go a long way to help organizations plan for the future. That's less than a latte in Brooklyn right now!


Congress is working fast to introduce bills protecting the right to abortion at the federal level. Read up a little (keep track of bills on or with a tool like IssueVoter) and let your representatives know you support these bills.


We’ve seen that voting alone won’t be enough to prevent outcomes like this, and some folks are understandably frustrated. And yet — voting is still very important! Vote in every election, and vote for candidates who stand up for abortion rights.

Shareable resources from activists and organizers

Roe v Wade: What You Can Do

How to Show Up for Abortion Access

5 Ways to Help Protect Abortion Rights