101 Guides

101 Guides: An Introduction

The issues facing us living in New York City are varied and complex. It’s really hard to know where to start. Our goal in creating 101 Guides is to work with local experts - civic officials, activists, and other people with deep knowledge about an issue - to create entry points to help understand key issues and the systems underlying those issues.

What is a 101 Guide?

101 Guides are introductory collections of essays, videos, and media on topics that impact New York City. Think of it as a quick orientation or an easy entry point, rather than a comprehensive syllabus. We work with local experts to craft these guides, seeking out knowledge and guidance from experts working in the community.

How can I get involved?

We are working on our first set of 101 guides as we launch Amp Club - and we expect that these guides will forever be a work in progress! We’d love your help and input.

  • If you work for an advocacy organization or have knowledge about a specific issue and want to work with us to create a 101 Guide, we’d love to hear from you.
  • If you are interested in an issue and wish there was a 101 Guide, let us know what would be valuable to you.
  • If you know of an organization that might be a great resource to collaborate with, we’d love to hear about them.

To get in touch with us, please email us at ampclub@studiorodrigo.com.